Saturday, June 16, 2007


Nonstop talking must be a girl thing. Chloe talks nonstop!!!! We were at a graduation party last night and Chloe talked to everyone. At one time I looked over and she was still talking but no one was listening to her. It didn't even phase her that she was talking to the wall. How do you get her to stop? I have watched her before talk to someone for 30 minutes straight and never pause for air. And sometimes if she starts running out of things to say, she uses tons of filler words! "Um, Mommy... Mommy... I think... Mommy... Mommy... Did we... um... is that a donkey? Oh, wait... I mean... I saw a yellow bird...." The girl literally talks just for the sake of talking. Even if she has nothing to say, she has to be saying something.

So, I have no special tricks or such to fix this. I am open to suggestions!!!! Right now, I simply tell her that I need 5 minutes of no talking- which usually gets me 2 minutes. And I admit, in the car sometimes I just turn the radio up louder :) You know you've done it too! Or I have her to go tell it to Logan. Poor kid. Hopefully he's not a talker or the insanity will set in. Like I said, I'm open to suggestions!


Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

Unfortunately, I have no suggestions... I'm at a loss myself! Once while riding in the car, I told Reagan we should play the quiet game. She said, "Oh boy! And yelled, "Quiet Game, Quiet Game!" I think it's gotta be a girl thing! Cara Grace is sooo loud and already gurgling and saying, "Da-da." I'm going to have to invest in some ear plugs in a few years! :)

8:10 PM  

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