Monday, July 03, 2006

Dangers of Napping

Ok, it's really not dangerous to take a nap. But yesterday I had an experience that made me rethink my naptimes! Chloe was pretty tired but didn't want to nap. Instead she wanted to snuggle with me and watch a movie. About 5 minutes into the movie I fell asleep. Apparently I was so tired that I never heard Chloe get up and get into mischief! Later that evening, Jeremy came home to find me and Chloe sound asleep on our bed. I woke up to him laughing and looking for a camera. I realized the movie was over and thought it was cute that Chloe had fallen asleep also. That was until I saw the damage that had been done. She had found a box of bandaids and some candy bars. I remembered where all this stuff had been right at the same time that Jeremy starts laughing from the kitchen. On top of the refrigerator. She had climbed up the cabinets, opened the freezer door and then climbed on top of the frig. I'm still not sure how she got down. She had eaten all of Jeremy's candy stash and used every single bandaid in the box! She covered both legs with bandaids and still had chocolate around her mouth. But at least she fell asleep!!


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