Thursday, August 10, 2006

Yea for Cottonelle!

After a few clogged toilets, I decided it was time to do something else with Chloe. No matter how many times we reviewed toilet paper use, she still loved to unroll half a roll of TP and use it all. At one point we thought we were just going to have to go into the bathroom EVERY time with her. Then one evening I saw a commercial for Cottonelle Kids. It has pawprints on it and then a picture of a puppy to let you know where to stop unrolling. Brilliant! So the next day I went to Target and bought a pack. While it is a little more expensive ($3.50 for 4 rolls) it is much cheaper than the plumber!!! So far only good things to say about it! Chloe loves using it and she does stop at the dog. She walks her fingers along the pawprints and then yells, "Stop, dog!"


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