Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday Tip

I love the Magic Eraser! I use it to clean everything! However, there are some things it is not good for cleaning! The commercial says it will even take marker off the wall. Well, that is sort of true. It will take the marker off, but it may also take your paint! If you have a water-based paint, it's going to come off. I wiped down our walls and now notice that they need to be repainted. We have beige colored walls. I don't know if it would be as noticeable if they were white. One other thing we learned the Magic Eraser is NOT for is children! Chloe had taken a Sharpie and colored on herself. Even a bath & soap couldn't get everything off her. So, I thought, "If a Magic Eraser can get marker off a wall, why not a child?" Well, it did take the marker off her, but not without leaving its mark. There is something in the Eraser that irritated Chloe's skin and she was a reddish-pink for days! I absolutely love the Eraser and use it for other things than my children :) It is great for getting juice stains off counters, cleaning the bathtub & bathroom, everyday cleaning.


Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

Who the heck is askinstoo? Are you one of Morgen's great moms? Ha Ha! Morgen, I will have to try magic eraser. We have white counter tops that stay stained.

2:59 PM  

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