Sunday, May 21, 2006

Where To Start

Now that I've decided to start this blog, I need a starting point for posts! I think one of the most important things to understand in parenting is... your child! All children are different and have different needs. Since this is about things that Jeremy and I have learned, obviously they are things that have worked (or not worked) on Chloe. Here is what we are working with:
Chloe is a great joy to us, but also challenges us- in a good way! She is a happy girl, also very independent and strong willed. She is easily excitable and loves life. She is passionate, loving, outgoing, unafraid, sensitive to others. Her goals in life include playtime, collecting mass amounts of rocks, playtime, art (especially coloring on herself), playtime, chasing Max, playtime, you get the idea!
When I was pregnant with Chloe, I prayed that God would give us a laidback, docile child that would not cause us any grief, worry, headaches, ruined furniture, etc; one that would be content to sit and ponder the meaning of life instead of run around the world trying her hand at everything. I would really have regretted that one, had it come true! But between Jeremy and me, there was no way we could have a child like that! Although we are only 3 years into this, we have many stories, many moments and lots of trial & error opportunities! While we're not perfect parents, our daughter is turning out great and I just want to share some of the little things that help us keep oursanity!


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