Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I don't know if anyone still reads this, but I think I will use it again at least as an outlet for now. I have decided that I love parenting. I know you are thinking, "Shouldn't you have decided that long before now?" Well, I knew I wanted to be a good parent and I was willing to do whatever it takes to raise my kids right. But somewhere in there I lost the LOVE of parenting. Let's be honest, it's not always fun and it's a LOT of hard work. Since I am insanely smart and I know love is not a feeling, I have made a decision to LOVE parenting. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids. But I have days that I wish I didn't have to deal with them. Lately, my saving grace has been Col. 3:15 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." I constantly remind myself that the peace of Christ rules me, not my flesh. Therefore, I am able to be patient when I don't feel like it. I am able to correct lovingly when I really just want to yell. And I am thankful for the opportunity to raise up Godly children. I am thankful that I have great kids. I am thankful that I have an amazing husband. I am thankful that I am able to stay home with the kids and raise them the way Jeremy and I want. I LOVE parenting!