Monday, July 23, 2007

Little Seeds

So, it's been almost 2 months and the tip of folding her hands is still working on Chloe! Praise Him! This post isn't really a tip other than just encouragement. We are finally seeing some of the fruit of our labor in Chloe! She doesn't always use manners the first time when she is with us. But, really, how many of us do at home? Yet, when she is with others she is the picture of perfection. We get frustrated with her because at home she seems ungrateful, always wanting more, more, more. Yet, when we are not around she is appreciative of everything and everyone. Even though it seems like we are just talking into the wind, the lessons are sinking in. I just want to say that all the hard work does pay off. Keep working, keep planting seeds because eventually you do see it. I know we often use the scripture "train up a child in the ways they should go and when they are older they will not depart from it" and think long term. But this scripture is also true of short term lessons. Yes, we do want to see our children grow into successful, Godly adults. But we also want to see them be gracious, loving children. Sometimes I get impatient waiting for my flowers to grow but it does take nurturing and TIME!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Having two kids is more work emotionally and mentally than it is physically. I can handle the multitasking it takes to raise two. Today I had both kids by myself. Jeremy had to leave long before they were up and won't be home until early tomorrow morning. It was nice that I didn't have anywhere to go today, so there was no time crunch. Right now, Chloe is going through a stage where she is super emotional and in need of constant attention. And Logan is still young enough that he needs my attention. We had a great day together, but after focusing on giving each one equal quality time, I'm exhausted!!! I have great respect for single parents that do a fantastic job of raising their children. It is quite a job to give individual quality time, family time, teach life skills, and somewhere in there find a little time for yourself!