Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday's Teething Tip

As we have been getting ready for this baby, I have been remembering great little tricks that we did with Chloe. Maybe I'll start doing a weekly tip for this blog! As new parents, it is always great to find creative ways to save money.

Here is this week's tip: Skip the teething rings and teething biscuits! Buy dried pineapple.
  • The are naturally sweet- don't get the sweetened ones!
  • They are much healthier than biscuits or crackers.
  • If you lose one, you don't spend $5 replacing it.
  • They are only as messy as the child!

When babies start teething they do need something to chew on. I hated the slobbery toys and mushy crackers on their face. There is an alternative! It is cheaper and healthier to buy rings of dried pineapple. You can get them at natural food stores or even in the organic section of grocery stores. And you can take them anywhere! Chloe loved chomping on them and liked them much more than teething toys.