Friday, June 23, 2006

Training Kids?

I was listening to Dr. Phil today (which I very rarely watch, but he is interesting) and he made a statement that really made me think. Today's topic was on undisciplined children and mistakes that parents make. The one thing he said that really caught my attention was, "you are training up adults, you are not training up children." I had to think on this for a minute but then really began to see what he meant. If we raise our children as if we are training up kids, we will live in the moment based on how we are feeling now- frustrated, irritated, etc.- and let them develop bad habits. But if we remember that we are training them to become successful adults, we will make decisions based on the future, not how irritated we are at the moment. It is our responsibility to equip our children now with the qualities and skills that will make them successful when they become adults. I know it would be so much easier and less stress to always take the easy way out but after seeing some of the kids on the show (and a few that are around me!) I know it is not an option for me! While some parents think life is better by just giving in, not disciplining, letting their kids throw fits, etc. they will regret it later in life. Being undisciplined and unstructured teaches them to become disrespectful, selfish, out of control and just plain brats! As parents, we should work hard now to train our kids the ways that they should go and it will be less work and heartache when they are older. One great scripture for parents, especially of toddlers or preschoolers is Gal. 6:9- Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. Keep up the good work, keep being a great parent! And remember that we are all working with you!


Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

I love the scripture you posted. It is so encouraging to read! And so true with raising kids. The key is consistency!!!

2:48 PM  

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