Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Potty Training

There are several out there that are potty training or getting ready to. So, I just wanted to tell what worked for us- both times! I say both times because we had to train Chloe twice. The first time she was 20 months old. She did a great job and she really wanted to do it. All I did was sit her on the toilet every hour and let her try. I also brought her into the bathroom with me when I went. Learning #1 was easy. But #2 was a little more difficult. We had bought her several pairs of big kid panties that she loved. What really did the trick for us was I made her throw away her favorite pair of panties when she went #2 in them. I really did not want to wash them! That worked! The potty training was done! I didn't have to bribe her or coerce her, she wanted to do it. The whole process took almost 3 days- which I did over a weekend. But when I took her to daycare the next day, I was told she couldn't use the bathroom there. They didn't have restrooms in the classroom until she was in the 2 year old room and she wasn't quite old enough for that room. So we had to put her in pull-ups. So that set us back a little. But then a few months later when she moved into the 2 year old room she had gotten use to her pull-ups and didn't want to go back to panties. It took us another 6 months before she was ready. Since Chloe barely ever gets candy, I thought getting a "potty treat" was a great reward. At first it was M&Ms but then she would pick out things like gummy bears and gummy worms. Whatever it takes, was my thought. She REALLY liked the idea of getting candy! At first she got a treat for using the toilet. But several times she would wet her pants some and then run to the toilet and finish going. It didn't seem right to reward her after partly wetting her pants. So, I put her on a timer and she was rewarded with one M&M if she was still dry when the buzzer went off and she got 2 M&Ms if she was dry AND used the toilet. She always wanted 2, so she tried really hard. She got gummy worms when she went #2 in the toilet. Fortunately, she only pooped in her pants once, and she was so devasted to throw her panties away that she didn't do it again! That's what worked for us! What worked for you?


Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

We are still having issues with Reagan's potty training! She refuses to tell us when she has to go. She goes great when you take her. But I have to take her all the time and when I forget- she uses the bathroom in her pull-up. I have tried putting panties on her and she doesn't seem to care if she goes in them. I really, really need to get her fully potty trained ASAP. We have also tried the reward system of M&Ms. My mom said I should get rid of the pull-ups, it makes us both lazy. Any suggestions?

5:16 AM  
Blogger The Gladney Family said...

I'm going to print out this part of your blog and post it on my fridge. Sonja is ready to potty train I just need to go through this last box of diapers and train myself to train her. She love sitting on her potty and the other day she told me she needed to go poop. We are on our way!

2:24 PM  
Blogger Jeremy and Morgen said...

Linz- we put Chloe in pull ups after the first time we potty trained and it did seem to slow the process because it was easier to just change her than constantly take her to the bathroom. If the candy doesn't work, what about other rewards? Maybe use a chart and give stickers when she uses the toilet or stays dry. Then after so many stickers, she gets to go to the petting zoo or do something else she really enjoys!

10:12 PM  
Blogger Jeremy and Morgen said...

Another thought- and completely not according to the books! There were a couple of times that I would get so frustrated that I would just put Chloe in time out (which at that time was the worst punishment possible to her!) I know you are suppose to use positive reinforcement, but on occasion I resorted to consequences- which also worked!

10:14 PM  
Blogger Austin & Lindsay said...

Thanks for the tips. It seems to be going a little better lately. Yesterday she wore panties all day and had two accidents. I think when we're at home she needs to be in panties only.

10:12 AM  

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