Friday, June 02, 2006

Help Me!

Ok, I thought this was going to be a blog about things I've learned, but now I need help! We have run into an issue we are having difficulty fixing. Chloe has an obsession with taking her clothes off. It is not as simple as her running around in her panties. No! That would be too easy. The problem is that she takes off ALL her clothes and runs naked- completely naked- through the house. The moment she comes home from school, off they go. She wants to play with no clothes on, eat dinner with no clothes on, go to bed with no clothes on! I have tried everything and am now at a loss of what to do. Any ideas? Any thoughts? Anything you know of that has worked?


Blogger The Gladney Family said...

I say embrace it! Actually my honest advice is this is a phase and it will pass, as long as she's just naked at home. Maybe this is a good time to teach her to be comfortable with her body and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of. If it starts to progress to public nudity then we can revisit the issue, or you can take her to therapy, or teach her to be a stripper.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Jeremy and Morgen said...

But it is totally creepy for her to sit at the dining room table eating dinner naked! I sanitize the house like crazy after her bare bottom has been everywhere!

7:55 PM  
Blogger The Gladney Family said...

I can picture it and it makes me laugh! Chloe is so spunky and fun, you know she gets her craziness from her mom.

8:04 PM  

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